A DIY Credit Repair - Are you a do-it-yourself type person who wants to take on the challenge of improving your credit profile? Then Give Yourself Credit was written specifically for you! This 86-page eBook is FULL of information you will need to know from understanding if you need credit repair to advanced disputing techniques. You will learn how the credit bureau system works and how to conquer it, how to use the complex credit bureau OCR and E-OSCAR system to your advantage instead of for your creditor’s advantage, and much, much more. You will even receive access to 15 highly effective basic dispute letters. This document is rich with information you will need as a do-it-yourselfer.
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This is a digital product and cannot be returned, therefore we do not offer any refunds.
Quick Inquiry Removal Guide
Ultimate Homebuyers Guide
Cents Of Credit
Teaching Our Teens Financial Literacy
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Step-by-step guide to understanding business credit